Sunday, July 31, 2011

FIt Mama Club - week 4

Sadly it was a big Fit Mama Club fail last week. I totally got caught up in emotional eating and went to town. I actually gained the 2 lbs I lost the first week. :( BUT I can't give up. I know I won't be at the weight I would like to be by the end of the summer, but my new goal is to lose 25 lbs by December 31st to start the new year off as a lean mean healthy machine! Here's my update:

After my update, I'll share this week's Fit Mama Club challenge. If you wanna join up, leave a comment or tweet me @joonluv630.

Last Week's Weight Loss: 0
Total Weight Loss: back to 0
Last Week's High: If I count today as part of last week - me, my hubby, my little one, and my mom went to the beach. It was the first time that my little monster felt sand between his little toes and salt water in his curly baby 'fro. It was an amazing feeling to watch it all.
Last Week's Low: My major Fit Mama crash and burn ::sigh::
Plan For This Week: I will work on eating only when I'm hungry and stop eating when I'm full. I will also complete the Fit Mama Challenge!

Fit Mama Challenge: Only drink 8 oz of juice per day (4 oz in the morning, 4 oz in the evening), and the rest of the time, drink good ol' H20! (Yes, one cup of coffee per day is an acception.)

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